Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Too exciting not to post

I'm still around. Work is crazy. Instead of the normal 40 hours a week it's about 60 hours a week. So I'm not getting much stitching done. I know I still need to post a picture of my progress.

You know what is happening outside? Rain! When you walk you can see puddles of yellow pollen. I'm so happy to see the rain. Maybe we will all start feeling better.

But the exciting thing is with my Dad. My Dad will be 80 years old next month. Last August he had a major stroke. He couldn't move his right side or talk. But after being in the hospital and home therapy he can walk with a cane and he's able to talk. He is still having trouble with his right arm. He's doing outpatient therapy now through the local hospital.

Every year my Dad has had a big garden. They usually get up around 5 or 6 and go out early to tend to it. And then Mom cans a lot of vegetables. This year we knew would be different. And hard on Dad. He really loves to garden. But Mom said yesterday he planted a row of cabbage. It's just one row but I know he is excited. And I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't do more!

It's really amazing how far he's come since August and I'm so excited I just had to share.

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